Upcoming Events

Filtering by: “Christmas”

Fellowship Kids Christmas Choir

Fellowship Kids Christmas Choir

It’s time for our annual Fellowship Kids Christmas Choir!

We love inviting our kids on stage to help us celebrate the coming of Jesus! Children age 5 through 5th grade who wish to participate will have the opportunity to sing on stage for our Christmas Eve service!

All children in our 5's and Elementary classes will practice their songs in Fellowship Kids on December 10th and 17th. (The kids will all practice together, regardless of whether they plan to sing on stage. We wanted to create an opportunity for everyone to participate.) We highly encourage children to practice at home as well!

They will be singing Away in a Manger and Silent Night. You can find these songs by Cedarmont Kids on your preferred streaming service. There will be an on-stage practice at 3pm on Christmas Eve, and we will provide a small snack for children to have before the service begins. (The Christmas Eve service is at Harding Academy, and begins at 4:30pm.)

Children are encouraged to wear a Christmas outfit or Christmas pajamas for the service! We will have some areas blocked off for families with kids participating in the choir, so kids can sit with their families and so that parents and caregivers have a great view of their children during their on-stage time. Participating children can sit on the ends of the aisles to make it easier for them to walk up onto the stage. (Please note: This is different from years past when children all sat together in the front row.)

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FSM Christmas Party

FSM Christmas Party

FSM students, friends, leaders, and staff will gather together to celebrate Christmas! We will meet together to play games (likely white elephant), wear fun sweaters, eat food, pray, and remember Jesus!

Stay tuned for location and other details!

RSVP to Abby Eskinder 804.528.9569

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Advent Hymn Night

Advent Hymn Night

Advent Hymns & Christmas Carols

Advent is a time to reflect on the hope that is coming with the birth of the Savior. We want to set aside some time to worship through music as we prepare our hearts for the world changing events of Christmas. We will be singing Advent Hymns & Christmas Carols as we worship together.

Advent Worship Night will be for all ages, we want families to attend together!

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FSM Red Tub Serve Event

FSM Red Tub Serve Event

A love for Jesus leads us to love others.

After our church fills all our tubs, we will partner with other church partners. FSM gets to organize them and pray for the children and students who will receive them.

Join us at White Station Church of Christ as we prepare these tubs for delivery for these amazing kids by Christmas!

No registration required, just join us!

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Family Movie Night: The Star

Family Movie Night: The Star

In Sony Pictures Animation's THE STAR, a small but brave donkey named Bo yearns for a life beyond his daily grind at the village mill. One day he finds the courage to break free, and finally goes on the adventure of his dreams. On his journey, he teams up with Ruth, a lovable sheep who has lost her flock and Dave, a dove with lofty aspirations. Along with three wisecracking camels and some eccentric stable animals, Bo and his new friends follow the Star and become accidental heroes in the greatest story ever told - the first Christmas!

Join your Fellowship friends for a Christmas movie night to watch The Star- complete with popcorn! Please bring a blanket for your family to sit on. (We will have some chairs available around the edge of the room for those who cannot sit on the floor.) We'll start the movie at 6pm so that little ones can make it home in time for bed. All are welcome, so invite some friends to come along too!

We greatly encourage parents to screen media for their family to make sure that it aligns with your values and boundaries. Check out pluggedin.com to find a full content breakdown of this movie, and others!

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Women’s Advent Night

Women’s Advent Night

We are excited to gather women together for a night of fellowship and encouragement! We all know how quickly December flies by. Before we know it, Christmas has passed, and we are wondering if we really took time to celebrate the true meaning of the season!

This Women's Night, we'll be talking about the beautiful season of Advent, a traditional season in the church calendar leading up to Christmas. Advent encourages us to pause, slow down, and meditate on the coming of Christ- in the past as a baby in Bethlehem, in the present as our personal Lord and Savior, and in the future as the reigning King over His eternal Kingdom!

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Christmas Morning Service

Christmas Morning Service

Join us Christmas Morning at 10am to celebrate the Birth of our Savior!

In person only, not streaming online. This is a family friendly service, no children’s classes.

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Christmas Eve Service Cancelled

Christmas Eve Service Cancelled

Fellowship Family, due to weather conditions and rolling blackouts, we have made the decision to cancel our Christmas Eve service at Harding Academy this afternoon at 4 pm. This also means there will be no live-stream service. ⁠

As of now, our Christmas Day service at St. George's tomorrow is still on. The rolling blackouts will not be such a factor during daylight hours tomorrow. We are prayerful that barring any further complications we will be able to gather as a church family on Christmas Day. ⁠

Stay warm everyone! We pray that your family will have a Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior.⁠

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

We will be combining both our campuses to meet at 4pm at Harding Academy. We're excited to come together as one church to anticipate the coming of the Messiah through song, word, and candle lighting.

Children of all ages are invited to join in the worship service and candle lighting. There will not be childcare provided for the service.

If you are traveling this Christmas Eve and not able to join us in person, we would love for you and your family to worship with us online on our live stream.

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Past events.