Fellowship Student Ministries


The mission of FSM is to partner with families to equip students to become worshippers and disciple makers of Jesus Christ through grace and truth, relationships and service.

Fellowship Student Events

SUNDAYS @ 9-10am

JUNE 9 & JULY 14

We exist to worship and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

There is much in our world that promises value, belonging, purpose and hope, yet, we still feel empty. We are told that we matter because of what we do, who we know or what others think about us, yet, we still feel insignificant. We feel alone, sad and anxious, and often, we feel that no one else struggles like we do. In the midst of all of this, Jesus meets us.

At Fellowship Student Ministries, we believe that Jesus is not merely a man we read about in an ancient book, but He is a God that knows us, comforts us, and walks with us through all of the ups and downs of life. What we want more than anything else is for you to know that Jesus - the one who loves you and wants you to come to Him just as you are.

Meet the FSM Team

  • Andrew Mastriano

  • Angelica Smith

  • Ethan Tate