Upcoming Events

Filtering by: “St. George's”

St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

We are excited to be hosting a Men's Breakfast again at St. George's. This is going to be a great opportunity to get together for some delicious breakfast and inspiring teaching before church. Ryan Scott is going to be hosting and delivering a message from God's Word, so it's definitely not something you want to miss.

If you're planning on coming, please RSVP so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone. We don't want to order too much or too little, so your response would be much appreciated.

But even if you forget to RSVP, please still come! We'd love to have you there.

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Women’s Advent Night

Women’s Advent Night

We are excited to gather women together for a night of fellowship and encouragement! We all know how quickly December flies by. Before we know it, Christmas has passed, and we are wondering if we really took time to celebrate the true meaning of the season!

This Women's Night, we'll be talking about the beautiful season of Advent, a traditional season in the church calendar leading up to Christmas. Advent encourages us to pause, slow down, and meditate on the coming of Christ- in the past as a baby in Bethlehem, in the present as our personal Lord and Savior, and in the future as the reigning King over His eternal Kingdom!

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Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

We would like to provide a time and space for the foster and adoptive moms of Fellowship to come and get to know one another. Please join us as we share light snacks and hear a story from a fellow mom's journey.

We hope this will be a sweet night for our foster and adoptive moms from both campuses to come together and support one another!

RSVP to attend at hmohara@gmail.com

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Family Worship Day

Family Worship Day

On Family Worship Sundays at our St. George’s Campus, we invite all children in classes 2 year olds through 5th Grade to join us in the service. We will have infant class only.

We believe it is a sweet opportunity to welcome them into our corporate worship, teaching, and communion.

Children and their families are encouraged to serve together in one of the following ways: Greeting, passing out Bibles and toys to borrow, and taking up offering. Contact Stephanie Rawlinson (srawlinson@fellowshipmemphis.org) if your family would like to sign up to serve.

Our hope is that our children feel wanted, and like they are a contributing member of our Fellowship Memphis family!

Harding Campus will have a planned Family Worship Day soon as well!

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St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

We are excited to be hosting a Men's Breakfast again at St. George's. This is going to be a great opportunity to get together for some delicious breakfast and inspiring teaching before church. Ryan Scott is going to be hosting and delivering a message from God's Word, so it's definitely not something you want to miss.

If you're planning on coming, please RSVP so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone. We don't want to order too much or too little, so your response would be much appreciated. 

But even if you forget to RSVP, please still come! We'd love to have you there. 

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Women’s Prayer & Art Night

Women’s Prayer & Art Night

Our God, the Creator of the Universe, is a creative God.

A listening prayer is a structured time to slow down, petition to the LORD to hear his voice and sitting to listen for what He has to say to each of us individually.

Our Father speaks to and through each of us differently. We each have unique expressions of what God is saying to us. Art is one way to show how God is moving through us.

On Women’s Prayer & Art Night, we are going to have listening prayer time followed by time to create art to express what God is saying to us. We hope that this will allow you to draw closer to the LORD in prayer and see how He works in our lives through creativity.

In Him you are also being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

Ephesians 2:22

No registration needed. Join us and invite a friend!

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Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

We would like to provide a time and space for the foster and adoptive moms of Fellowship to come and get to know one another. Please join us as we share light snacks and hear a story from a fellow mom's journey.

We hope this will be a sweet night for our foster and adoptive moms from both campuses to come together and support one another!

RSVP to attend at hmohara@gmail.com

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Family Gathering & Dinner

Family Gathering & Dinner

You are invited to our Family Gathering on August 20.
This is another one of our quarterly gatherings for us to be together, fellowship with each other, hear updates from our ministry areas, and share a meal together. 

  • CHILDCARE: This is a family-friendly event, children are welcome! There will be no childcare during the meeting, but a childcare stipend is available.  Please indicate on your registration below if a childcare stipend is requested.

  • MEAL: Because we will be having a meal please register below every person from your household who plans to attend - Adults, Students, and Kids to account for everyone who will be eating.

  • QUESTIONS: When you register using the button, you may submit questions for our church leadership. These will be answered at the Family Gathering or in individual follow-up conversations.  

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Family Worship Day

Family Worship Day

On Family Worship Sundays at our St. George’s Campus, we invite all children in classes 2 year olds through 5th Grade to join us in the service. We will have infant class only.

We believe it is a sweet opportunity to welcome them into our corporate worship, teaching, and communion.

Children and their families are encouraged to serve together in one of the following ways: Greeting, passing out Bibles and toys to borrow, and taking up offering. Contact Stephanie Rawlinson (srawlinson@fellowshipmemphis.org) if your family would like to sign up to serve.

Our hope is that our children feel wanted, and like they are a contributing member of our Fellowship Memphis family!

Harding Campus will have a planned Family Worship Day soon as well!

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Fellowship Women’s Retreat

Fellowship Women’s Retreat

WHAT: Women’s Retreat | Growing Together
WHO: Fellowship Memphis Women
WHEN: Saturday, June 17, 9am-2pm
WHERE: Fellowship Memphis Offices

Jesus did not intend for us to walk this life alone. Discipleship takes community. The Fellowship Women’s Retreat is a great place to get to know other women just like you. We want to create space for connection, authenticity and growth.


  • Breakfast

  • Morning Workshops

  • Lunch

  • Afternoon Workshops

WORKSHOPS We have two spaces in the day for you attend workshops. There are three workshops to choose from.

  • Care

  • Prayer

  • Creativity

If you have any questions or have any dietary restrictions, contact Michelle Shafer at mshafer@fellowshipmemphis.org.

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Family Gathering & Dinner on the Lawn

Family Gathering & Dinner on the Lawn

This is another of our quarterly gatherings for us to be together as a church body, fellowship with one another, hear updates from our ministry areas and share a meal together.

We will start at 4:30pm in the chapel with sharing the Church Vision for the next few years which has been developed with the help of our church wide survey and an church vision consulting group, we’ll give an update on where we are with our Lead Pastor Search, and finally we will end with some Q&A time.

After we wrap up our church business somewhere around 5:30 pm we will have a Family Meal and the playground will be open for kids to play.  We hope this will provide some time for everyone to fellowship and get to know one another better. Bring your own blankets or lawn chairs for this time.

As this is a family friendly event, no childcare will be provided but a childcare stipend is available. You can request the stipend upon registration below.

We want to ensure enough food for everyone, so please register your family accordingly.; every adult, student of child who will be eating.

Q&A If you have any questions for church leadership, you may submit these upon registration. These will be answered at the Family Gathering or in individual follow-up conversations.

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Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

We would like to provide a time and space for the foster and adoptive moms of Fellowship to come and get to know one another. Please join us as we share light snacks and hear a story from a fellow mom's journey.

We hope this will be a sweet night for our foster and adoptive moms from both campuses to come together and support one another!

RSVP to attend at hmohara@gmail.com

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Pray & Go with St. George's Circle

Pray & Go with St. George's Circle

Join the St. George's Campus Circle as they walk and pray over homes close to campus. After the prayer walk, join the group for lunch and fellowship!

We want to move as a body of believers and be on mission for the families that live close to our campus. We will pray together as a body and grow closer together as a community.

No registration, just plan on sticking around after service on Sunday, April 30. We will connect, give some direction and head out on a walk. Afterwards, we will go out to eat together.

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EMPOWER: FSM Ladies’ Night

EMPOWER: FSM Ladies’ Night

At Empower, we want to champion the girls in the student ministry to be disciple-makers AND to ask the ladies who have gone before them for wisdom and guidance.

We want to EMPOWER our girls…
…to feel a purpose to the life they live when walking with the Lord.
…to lean into the community surrounding them here at Fellowship.
…to feel championed to obey the calling to make disciples in whatever way the Lord has created & called them individually.

Who is Empower for? Female students and moms within FSM; as well as female disciplers & mentors from Fellowship.

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Family Gathering

Family Gathering

Fellowship Memphis Survey Responses Shared

Earlier this year, many of you responded to our request and completed our congregational survey. Thank you! Your time and input is valuable to us. The elders and staff have begun to review the responses and are prayerfully considering how to listen to them in order to better serve our body and city.

Our next step is to share the survey responses with our Fellowship Memphis members.

On Sunday, April 2 at both our Harding and St. George's campuses we invite our Fellowship Memphis members to stay after our Sunday service time for a family gathering. Members will have the opportunity to hear from our elders as they provide a space to communicate these congregational survey responses.

Please register below if you plan to attend.

Childcare will not be provided, but children are welcome to come with their families.

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Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

We would like to provide a time and space for the foster and adoptive moms of Fellowship to come and get to know one another. Please join us as we share light snacks and hear a story from a fellow mom's journey.

We hope this will be a sweet night for our foster and adoptive moms from both campuses to come together and support one another!

RSVP to attend at hmohara@gmail.com

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Baptism Sunday at St George’s Campus

Baptism Sunday at St George’s Campus

Baptisms at St. George’s Campus

Baptisms opportunity at our St George’s Campus will be on March 19. Full water immersion baptisms will happen as a part of our worship service that morning.

If you are interested in pursuing baptism, please click below. Filling out this form is the first step in being baptized at Fellowship Memphis. Upon completion, your Campus Pastor will reach out to schedule a time to meet together to celebrate this decision and to discuss baptism with you.

If you are ready to sign up for baptism use the registration button below. If you’d like to have a conversation, ask questions or learn more about this next step, let us know below and start a conversation.

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St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

Connecting with other believers can grow our faith, and what better place to connect with others than with food! The men of St. George’s will connect over breakfast once a month on the 3rd Sunday, 8:30-9:30am.

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Child Dedication at St. George’s Campus

Child Dedication at St. George’s Campus

Child/Baby Dedications at St. George’s Campus

If you have a baby or young children you would like to have him/her dedicated to the Lord alongside your church family, we would like to invite you to sign up for our next Child Dedication opportunity at the St. George’s Campus. Each campus has Child Dedications throughout the year. You can register anytime for either campus by clicking the button below.

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Hearing God

Hearing God

A common understanding of prayer is “talking to God.” And while talking to God is certainly a significant part of an active prayer life, there is also a reciprocal component involved. Prayer then, could be more sufficiently described as a conversation with God. Hearing form the Lord is life-transforming, but it’s not easy. Recognizing the voice of God takes practice. In Hearing God, we will dive into what it looks like to discern the voice of God in your life.

WHEN? 4 Weeks, beginning Sunday, February 26 at 7pm
WHERE? The Fellowship Memphis Office
WHO? Anyone is welcome

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FM Members’ Gathering

FM Members’ Gathering

Our first Members’ Gathering of 2023 will be an evening of celebrating Fellowship Memphis, our commitment to our mission and love of diversity. This is an opportunity to gather as a united church body as both campuses attend together. We will be led in worship by the Tennessee Mass Choir and have pizza and cookies afterwards.

4:30-5:30pm Worship led by the Tennessee Mass Choir
5:30-6:30pm Pizza on the Portico 

  • This is a family friendly event, children are welcome! We are also offering a stipend for childcare if needed. There will be no childcare during the gathering.

  • Because we will be having food afterwards, please register every person from your household who plans to attend - Adults, Students, and Kids to account for everyone who will be eating.

  • When you register, you may submit questions for our church leadership. We will make every effort to answer the most common questions when we meet. For all others, we will be glad to follow up after the gathering to answer those as well.

Our vision for Members' Gatherings, formally known as meetings, is to connect with one another as a church family, share updates regarding the ministry of our church, look back and look ahead to celebrate what God is doing, and to worship and pray together. 

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St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

St. George’s Men’s Breakfast

Connecting with other believers can grow our faith, and what better place to connect with others than with food! The men of St. George’s will connect over breakfast once a month on the 3rd Sunday, 8:30-9:30am.

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Family Worship Day

Family Worship Day

On Family Worship Sundays at our St. George’s Campus, we invite all children in classes 2 year olds through 5th Grade to join us in the service. We will have infant class only.

We believe it is a sweet opportunity to welcome them into our corporate worship, teaching, and communion.

Children and their families are encouraged to serve together in one of the following ways: Greeting, passing out Bibles and toys to borrow, and taking up offering. Contact Stephanie Rawlinson (srawlinson@fellowshipmemphis.org) if your family would like to sign up to serve.

Our hope is that our children feel wanted, and like they are a contributing member of our Fellowship Memphis family!

Harding Campus will have a planned Family Worship Day soon as well!

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Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

Foster & Adoptive Moms Night

We would like to provide a time and space for the foster and adoptive moms of Fellowship to get together and get to know one another. We would like to invite you to a dessert and appetizers night at the Fellowship Offices.

We are sure this will be a sweet and fun night for the moms from both campuses to come together and get to know one another.

RSVP to attend at hmohara@gmail.com

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Sunday AM Circle Lunch

Sunday AM Circle Lunch

Let’s have lunch together! This week, instead of meeting before service, we are going to head to Whole Foods after service and have lunch together.

The Sunday Morning Circle will meet every other Sunday beginning September 11. This circle is a multi-generational group that meets in the Parrish Hall at our St. George’s Campus. They will discuss the sermons from the previous weekend.

No childcare is available this week.

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Past events.